Thursday, November 18, 2010

Super sunrise!!


At 3.30am I was out of my bed and a few minutes later met up with the gang outside by some Jeeps that were to take us up a hill overlooking Mount Bromo for sunrise. Before we left though, Isabelle told us to come over to see the view from the car-park. It was beautiful – dark, clear skies and stars and every now and then there was a shooting star – Not like a shooting star I have ever seen, but a massive 4 or 5 second long shooting star screaming across the sky in front of us. Add to this the lightning that flashed behind the volcano. It was a pretty good start to the day.

We climbed into our Jeeps and headed out across the plains and towards the hills. In our Jeep was Linda, Me, Jennifer Parsonage, Liv and Kenneth and on the way we could see the first glimpses of daylight through the mist as we drove across the plains and up the steep tracks towards the view point.

After a 20-30 minute drive we arrived and walked the last few yards upwards to a breathtaking sight. Mount Bromo was now beneath us, swirling mist covered the plain we had just driven across, and the skies behind the surrounding mountains were just full of colour – From bright reds to orange and blue as you looked higher.

As the sun rose the skies changed constantly and combined with the volcano spewing its smoke into the air below us it was just an awesome site.

Me, Jennifer Parsonage, Michele and Liv hung around long after everyone else had left and me and Michele for no apparent reason had our photos taken in front of the view, whilst sat in a pink wheelbarrow!

We then grabbed our Jeep and headed back down the track, across the plain and to the hotel for breakfast. We had been up for 3 hours, it was 6.45 am and we have already had a brilliant day.

The plan for the rest of the day is to do some more trekking, climbing and go see the volcano again!

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