Wednesday, May 1, 2024

Garden suprises and the best scanner photos you have EVER seen...

 April is one of my favourite months of the year over here. 

It could be because it's Her Buffyness's birthday, but it's not. 

It could be because of April Fools Day, but it's not. 

It could be because usually, sometime in April the cold cold cold weather disappears to be replaced by about 10 minutes of spring, before summer hits - and it is! Yay!

This year we have been pretty lucky, not much snow and not too much really cold means that the thaw was pretty quick and we are now back to grass and pavement - instead of snow and ice. 

It also means that finally we can see the yard of the house we bought back in December and we can see just how good or bad the grass and whatever else was underneath the snow is. The answer to this question is 'Some good, some bad'. 

The grass, is pretty good, a bit lumpy in places, but once the colour comes back and we give it a trim it will be pretty nice.

The front of the house was a bit of a mess - Apparently, the old lady who used to live here hadn't been doing any real gardening in 2 years, so there was a lot of stuff to cut back and 2 years worth of leaves and crap to rake up - so we now have a dozen garden sacks ready to go when garden garbage collection starts on Friday. At the back, the thaw did cause one big issue - the sliding gate froze to the ice that gathered in the rut underneath it overnight - so we couldn't move the gate for a while. We will look into raising the height of the gate somehow this summer to prevent this from happening again next year. 

One other weird thing was discovered in the yard - Right under the large pine tree to the side of the house was a yellow nag sticking out of the ground. It was only an inch or so deep and Buffy pulled it out to discover what we think was either a dead cat or a dead dog. It was gross - all sticky hair and no real body shape left, but it was definitely a pet of some kind. We did take a photo, but the one I am posting is blurred as I don't want to upset any pet lovers. If you are a sick puppy (Joke definitely meant) and want to see the real one, let me know, but it aint nice!

Another big thing we wanted to do with the yard as soon as we could was to get the new trampoline set up for the kids. They have been so excited about a trampoline ever since we bought the house and knew it would get set up as soon as the yard was dry and the snow was one Friday afternoon after work that's what we did. The kids helped by holding the springs and clearing stones and it was done in just about an hour!

The rest of the month has flown by. Buffy's birthday was fun - including a dinner and cake at Jon and Susan's house. Ollie and Hannah switch between being best mates and playing late into the night together to being mortal enemies and being unable to even be next to one another - That's what siblings are like eh! They have had lots of fun playing dress up, using make-up, jumping, cleaning the car and lots of bike and scooter riding now the snow has gone. 

At the start of the month, everyone got an eye infection about the same time and needed eye drops - The kids cleared up pretty quickly - Ollie within a day or two, but my eye was just gross for about 5 or 6 days. Luckily it cleared up a week ago, but it wasn't pleasant!

My Canadian passport also arrived, so now I have dual nationality and 2 passports!

Ollie and Hannah both started new classes at the weekend - Ollie is doing a little dance class on Sunday mornings which he loves - His favourite song at the moment is 'The Zombie Song', which is actually what he calls Michael Jackson, Thriller!

Hannah started an art class on Saturday mornings, which she also loves - she would draw all day if she could! These two classes give Buffy and me a little break too because both are 'kids only' so we get to relax and wait outside or head home for a brew and come back an hour later - Both are in the community centre which is just one block away which is perfect!

Here are a few snapshots of some of the things mentioned above from the last month...

Lastly one of my favourite afternoons of the last month was with Hannah. We had a Daddy/Hannah afternoon and somehow we ended up in the tippy top floor of the house scanning books. It was when I suggested scanning hands and then faces that things got really good.  The resulting photos were so great we are going to get Ollie and Buffy to do some soon and then print them out and hang them on the wall! 

Here are some samples.....

Well there you are - a nice simple quick update for this month. See you all again soon!

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