Sunday, March 13, 2022

Cutting heads off and being wet! (AKA things to do before we all melt)

 Winnipeg - a city of just under a million people has lots of hotels with pools, some with waterslides. But it doesn't have a waterpark. 

For about 7 billion years, everyone in Winnipeg has wondered why and there really is no answer. In summer it is hot and there are plenty of small, city-run pools, some no more than 18-inch deep wading pools, but they are always busy. In winter there are a few city-run pools - just basic pools with the odd baby slide or diving board - but that is it. 

There are enough derelict buildings or empty lots to build 20 waterparks in Winnipeg (Take the Bay for example - The bay building  A perfect example of a big arsed building that should have the insides flooded and a few slides installed - add a pirate ship, wave pool and a snack bar and you have the perfect place to find half the population of Winnipeg on any given day between November and March. 

If I had $10million I  would build it yesterday, but I only have $9.2million, so I cant.

Anyway, I am on about this because after we cancelled our Mexican holiday for the 2nd year running, we booked a 2 day getaway to Gimli and a couple of days in Portage La Prairie too. Both an hours drive away from Winnipeg. 

Gimli was great but Portage was a revelation because we went there to try out Stride Place - a swimming pool and small waterpark, that apparently no one in Winnipeg even knew about. After we got back everyone we showed photos and video to, was amazed about it and surprised that it even existed. Just for context, Winnipeg has approximately 750,000 people - Portage has about 20,000.

Stride place has a rink and gym as well as useful halls and rooms, but it also has the Shindleman Aquatic centre, with a Wave pool, fountains, a lazy river and a pretty good waterslide. We were in Portage for about 48 hours and went there twice with the kids. They both loved it and we are planning on returning - maybe even day trips just to visit the pool again it was that good! 

Anyway, we stayed at a wonderful little Airbnb just a 5-minute drive away - that even had its own arcade machine complete with 4000 retro games on it. I introduced Hannah to a simple game at first - Pacman, but after searching through a few screens we somehow ended up on the fighting games and in particular, she lived Mortal Combat 2 and the part when the losing fighter gets his head chopped off! She thought it was hilarious. We had a lovely stay in the Airbnb, enjoying the hot tub and the comfy beds as well as more games of hiding and seek with the kids and a movie night for Hannah where she enjoyed watching 'Cars'. It was a lovely little holiday. 

The only downside was the news reporting the war from Ukraine and me lying awake at night worried that the world is coming to an end and we are all going to die in a huge nuclear blast before the end of March. At least I can look on the bright side of that because a nuclear blast would definitely melt a lot of the snow that's still lying around. meaning I don't have to worry about the basement flooding or getting my winter tyres swapped out! Hopefully, it's all quick and happens before City or Liverpool win the league again. Oh, and Just in case we do all die pretty soon, because of the raggedy old horse riding fuckface in Russia, I hereby pass on my love to all  - especially Gareth, Chris and close family. Love you guys! 

Anyways that's enough misery and bullshit from my tedious little mind. Here are some pics and videos of us having fun while the world starts to burn......Happy days!!

Just not enough fucking snow (Yep I did a swear)

Ollie has dino feet

Our little holiday home - If you want the details send me a message!


A big eagle

Hot tub

Our guest book photo

We also visited Litas Junction - a cafe with real toy trains!

Buffy cut Hannahs's head off (Just like Mortal Kombat 2)

In other news, our dryer broke and so we gave Ollie a screwdriver and he tried his best, but in the end, we got a great guy called Hameed Wafa in to fix it - He is highly recommended to anyone who needs appliance repair in Winnipeg. 

The kids tried to murder me

and Hannah is getting really good at fake beard makeup!

That is it from me for now. More updates on the Davey family stuff coming soon and dont forget if you have kids - go give them a hug. (Please try and do it before the thermonuclear warheads land - otherwise, they might have melted)

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