Thursday, October 28, 2021

Trundling along - bloopy bloop, doppy doo, new car, one bike back - poopy poop poo poo!

Trundle is a good word. 

It's pretty much what we are doing as a family right now - Trundling along - Eating, sleeping, working, playing with the kids - repeat. But, things ARE looking up......

Playgroups are re-opening, Hannah is pretty much potty trained so we only have 2 arses to wipe now (Olivers and my own), we have the cheque from MPI for the smashed car, so that's in the bank and we are awaiting confirmation that the new car we ordered is ready. Hopefully, that should happen before the end of the month. We also had other good news last week - A friendly policeman called me up out of the blue and asked about the stolen bikes. He said he had one of them in the back of his truck as it was for sale at a local Pawn Shop. He offered to bring it back and did so just 15 minutes later.

So Buffy's bike is back - Mine is still on the local stolen list - But Buffy is now back and even better is the flat tire had been fixed! Haahaa it's amazing! 

So things are looking up - the car saga is nearly over - although the bullshit parking ticket is still under appeal, the kids are doing well and we are coping with work, play and life in general. We even managed to get out with the kids to visit 'Boo at the Zoo last week - a Halloween themed night with ghosts, witches and even a few fairground rides.

Update update update...mother funbag!!!!

Before we carry on, we had the following email arrive today about the parking ticket from when the yellow car got smashed up....

Well, for those of you too fucking lazy to take any interest in anything that doesn't directly involve you, and can't be arsed reading the photo above,  I will tell you that after 34 days, the Winnipeg Parking Authority has dropped the parking charge and issued a $0 warning. So another big checkmark in the box to signify 'end of shit'. All we need now is a new car and we can put this whole sorry 6 weeks firmly behind us and drive into the sunset with our middle digits pointing to the sky - Of course, unless I find the scrote that smashed the car at which point I may not be liable for my actions.

Anyway, where was I - oh yeah, boo at the zoo...Hannah and Oliver loved it - Lots to see and do, a bit of scary action and a few fairground rides - The zoo is even licensed so we could walk around with beers while the kids were shot scared by blokes in masks and ate mini doughnuts! (The kids not the monsters)

It was a good evening at the zoo and we are really looking forward to a few drives out this coming week with Hannah and Oliver to look at the Halloween displays around town - Anyone outside of North America, it's crazy over here - Halloween is one of the biggest things and some people have displays up for weeks! It really is mental - I'll maybe add some photos and stuff late this week. For now, we have a couple of pumpkins to carve and a bit of funky lighting and stuff to put out (and probably get nicked) in the garden for the next week. 

The big news this week is Oliver - he is so so so so so so so so close to walking. Hannah walked a few days before her first birthday and Oliver is much more expressive with his 'talking' than Hannah was, so they are pretty close in terms of being good at stuff. But Oliver just doesn't get the same chances Hannah had to learn to walk. Hannah is sweet as fuck - but can demand attention, much more than Oliver is able to, so it's difficult to give him time to learn things like walking about. However, he is so close to walking  - If only Hannah would give him 2 minutes and let him try he would get it . We tried today and it ended up with Hannah breakdown - But she is trying to help  - she even says; Go Oliver; in one of the following videos! But she is 3 and as a 3-year-old doesn't get the importance of this stuff. We really cant wait till she and Oliver can cook, clean and do everything themselves so we can pretty much die and forget the screaming. For now, though, it is what it is and we know Hannah loves him, she just craves the attention too. I can't help but fucking love them both though. 

Maybe if we tie Hannah up, we will get a few minutes where he can prove he can do it -and maybe Oliver will also talk and tell Hannah to calm the f**k down!

Fast forward a few more days and life has ebbed and flowed from aaah what the fuck to yay all is cool! 
We received the cheque from MPI cashed it and on Tuesday picked up the lovely white 2020 Kia Seltos to replace the dead yellow one. 
We have nicknamed the new car 'Ghost', it's white and its almost the same to look at and drive as the dead yellow one....(Plus the works car I borrowed was nicknamed the ghost car as it had no Telexperts decals on it) So Ghost it is and its lovely to be almost back to normal!
Big big thanks are due to Jess and David for allowing us to borrow the works ghost car for free for over a month!


So you can see, things are looking level ( Not up) we are back with a car, we have 50% of our stolen bikes back and our bullshit parking fine has been reduced to $0. Time for me to drop my pants, take a poop on the face the last 40 days and do a Neo by inviting whatever pile of bullshit wants to have a go, to come on and try.....

Ok, that's the news. I know that you are all more bothered about Hannah and Oliver, so here's their updates.

Hannah has had the best day ever today. She was on top top form and after a few days of tantrums and crazy screaming, she is back in our lovey-dovey books. She had a Dr checkup and loved it. Spent time at playgroup and loved it. Ate her dinner and loved it and is now in bed after playing and messing about with me for so long! She is so much fun when she is in a good mood. 

Oliver is also so cool. He is a cheeky little champ. A couple of days back he spent 10 minutes blowing raspberries on my belly and is still slowly taking more and more little steps every day. He says Hi to every face he sees and is an amazingly funny, cheeky little charmer. 

Here are a few highlights...


So that's the latest news from the Winnipeg Daveys. 
Time for me to grab a sniffty of Canadian Whisky before bed and then start the whole goddam thkng again when something exciting happens. What's the betting the next post will have Oliver walking?

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