Wednesday, June 17, 2020

Books , diggers, cars and a rocket

When Buffy was a little girl, she liked reading. Now Buffy is a little bigger - and she still likes reading. She goes through books like I go through baths, about 3 a week, finished in a couple of hours and gets all sweaty by the time she finishes it. Only 2 of those things are true - probably.

Now Hannah, who also likes baths like me, has definitely taken Buffy's view on books and ran with it. Hannah loves loves loves her books. She has so many of them they take up a full shelf in our window seat bookcase and very often we come into the room to see Hannah just sitting there, surrounded by books, reading one to herself quietly (Or more normally - very very noisily)

There are some great books she has - Snuggle Puppy, The Belly Button Book, 100 first words for toddlers and 1 love you dad are amongst my favourites. Some of the books have good stories - Like 'What the ladybird heard', which tells the tale of a ladybird overhearing the plan to steal the prize cow and talking the farmyard animals into impersonating each other so that the thieves end up in eth duckpond. It would be a great movie!

One of my favourites at the moment is 'The Golden Glow', which is about Mr Fox travelling to the top of a mountain to find the mysterious Golden Glow flower. Its a nice story but so beautifully illustrated, I would have the pictures framed on my wall. Just take a look at one of the illustrations....

A lot of the stories are funny and well-drawn - Grumpy Bird is about a bird who is Grumpy and just wants to walk. He gets followed by the other animals and when they copy his he cheers up and they all fly back to his nest for a snack. Silly, but again really nicely drawn...

One of Hannahs favourites at the moment is about using the potty - This book is nice, but I think is written tongue in cheek as there is definitely a page that should read - Oh I hear something in the Potty - Yeah I did a shit! But unfortunately, the writer copped out and this is what you got instead.

There are some weird books though and some that I think have hidden messages.

For example, there is a book about a tree, who gives away its apples, leaves and trunk to a boy, who grows old during the story. In the end, the boy, who is now an old man, just sits on the tree stump. Its a little sad, but the cover of the book is the strange bit. Nos if you saw this photo, what would you think the person did for a living?

He looks like he should be in solitary confinement in prison, or a 1980's prize wrestler or working on a fishing boat and NEVER goes on land. He is probably a really nice bloke, but this is the actual photo of the author that is on the back of the children's book. I'm sorry mate, but did you not have another photo that wouldn't scare the kids?

One of my favourite books to read is Why I love mummy. It's nice that some of the points raised actually match Buffy and Hannah - like Hannah putting her shoes on the wrong feet, but Buffy being proud that she can actually do it. 

This is my favourite page from that book.....look carefully. whats happening in this picture?

Looks great eh! Just a happy mum, singing 'The Wheels on the Bus' to her daughter. But do you see the story hidden in the picture.....Look closer.

That's not a happy mum - That's a pissed up DRUNK mum. She never went to bed before packing that lunchbox this morning. She can only open one eye, she is still dancing,  and that's no doubt the same dress she wore last night.

Then look closely at the bus driver. Driving down THE MIDDLE of the road, proud a blind bend. His face tells you what he did last night - Yep - he was with the MUM. He's probably still drunk too and just around the corner, he can see the mum, drunk as a lord, waiting to pounce on him again. He regrets the whole of last night.
Then look at this first kid. Finger on lips - He has seen this all before. A knowing look of  - 'Here we go again', combined with a chuckle and a grin, tells us that all the other kids will know every detail pretty soon. The gossip will spread around the school bus like the mummies thighs spread around the bus driver just a few hours ago. 

Yep, this is what you see when you sit and read kids books before bedtime. Night-night Hannah. xxx

Enough of the kids' books for now. What's been happening in the last couple of weeks? Well, the three of us took off a couple of midweek days and travelled an hour north for a little family holiday. We stayed in a quaint little cabin on the shores of Lake Winnipeg, where we had a fire at night, played on the beach, visited a huge moose statue and a lighthouse, ate fish and chips and generally mellowed out - expect for Hannah getting very excited about being in a new place and wanting to get up before 6am. A great little break away from the norms of life though. Here are a few highlights...


Hannah also started to learn how to drive a car.

Which came in very handy when we visited one of our great local parks a couple of days ago....

She really is a bit of an adrenaline junkie - Riding cars downhills and she begs me to ride up hills and then down as quick as we can go when she is on eth back seat of my bike.  

This past weekend we also visited the zoo. It's a great little zoo here in Winnipeg with a fabulous Polar bear exhibit as well as my other favourites, the snow leopard and tigers. Sometimes you go and the polar bears are hiding away, but on Saturday we got up really close to them and one of them even had an attempt at biting off Hannahs leg through the window. She didn't get bothered about it though!

One of Hanny's other favourite things is diggers. Its construction season here in Winnipeg (They can't dig up roads in winter as its too cold -seriously, that is actually a thing here!) Anyway, they are re-doing one of our local main roads, so when Hanny get bored, she climbs on her rocket - yes she has a rocket - and rides it to Maryland St to watch the diggers.....

It has been a busy few weeks. One other thing we ticked off the list is updating our phones. We had an old contract that will end if we get new phones. But the new contract would be $20 more a month, plus the cost of phones added to that. We would get 30gb to share, but we only need about 10 between us. But of course, the phone provider doesn't do just 10gb to share. So after some thought and discussion, I decided I will start using my work phone from now on and will get rid of my own phone contract. Buffy will keep hers and pay half what we pay now. It seems daft to continue to have two phones when one is free from work. So if you didn't know already, I will no longer be using the number ending in 6997. My one number ends in 3815. Luckily I also have a direct number at work, that I can give out, so I don't get called on my cell phone at night. 
If you don't have my new number already and would like it - drop me an email to or post a message on this blog and I'll pass the whole number on to you. If you don't have my new number and don't want it, I don't blame you. No one uses phones as phones anymore!!!

Cheers then - seeya soon.  

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