Thursday, November 22, 2012

Florida Schmorida and dead pumpkins

I seem to be writing a lot of stuff about the weather recently - there is a reason for that - its mainly because everything else that I am doing is just normal day to day stuff and I have spoken about most of it before. Going for a run - round to the shops - trips to the cinema and the odd night out at a house party or just a chat with friends - its all normal day to day stuff and I dont think its very interesting to talk about it to much. I assure you though that as soon as something funny, weird or unusual happens there will be photos and a vivid description posted on here for you to enjoy.
Melting river

The Grove - My new place to watch football!!

For now though the most exciting thing to talk about is still the weather and the experiences of my first real Winnipeg winter. The last few days have been surprisingly warm, dropping below freezing at nights only and I even noticed that the river, which had almost completely frozen over, had started to melt over the last couple of days. There was even a strange weather woman on TV , who when the presenter of the show was giving away a holiday to Florida, was heard to say 'Florida, Schmorida - its 5 degrees here - why do we need to go to Florida?'

Jenna Khan - Mental Winnipeg weather girl who thinks its like Florida here!

Unfortunately, or not depending on how much you like snow, the weather has turned again today and is now lightly snowing outside and a covering of the white stuff on top of the defrosted, frozen and re-defrosted ice below has made it a bit of a lottery as you walk around outside. A couple of days ago you could see the ice and be careful as you walked over it - not now. It all looks the same now and I have had at least three slips and slides as I walked into town earlier today. I used all my snowboarding skills and managed to stay on my feet, but I have seen one person slip over further down the road - they were ok, if a little embarassed. But I am sure that sometime soon I will end up on my arse just like they did. Not because I am not careful - but I do seem to walk about 4 miles a day, so the opportunities are there.

The new covering of snow

Dead frozen and abandoned halloween pumpkin

Half melted snowman

Another thing I noticed this week is that the snowmen have appeared!! Last week if you remember there were no snowmen anywhere - even though the snow was inches deep. But now, after a good weekend of work from the local kida and families, there are hundreds of the bugars. Some small and some massive - but my favourites are the one shaped like an owl (at least I think it s an owl) and one garden has a full family of snowmen - complete with Snowmum, snowdad and 4 snowkids!!

Is that a FEZ?

Snow Owl?

Good work!!

The snow family

Bugar - the river has re-frozen!!

So like I said a quiet week this week - If the next few days are the same I will try and think of something else to post next time!!

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